Allergy is an altered reactivity of the body to environmental substances. These substances are harmless to the majority of population. In allergic individuals the body starts producing increasing amount of an antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in response to being exposed to commonly harmless environmental substances called Allergens. The categories of common allergens are Pollen, Fungal Spores, Dust and Mites, Animal dander, Insects, Food allergens and Drug / Chemicals.
Allergic reactions can occur in many forms. Some of the common conditions of allergic manifestations are : allergic rhinitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, urticaria, occupational allergy, atopic dermatitis and anaphylaxis.
In many cases, removing the cause of allergy can relieve the patient’s symptoms. However, avoiding inhalant allergens is difficult and sometimes poses great problems. Where allergens cannot be avoided C R E D I S O L® range of allergens offer the first choice of allergy management.
The diagnosis of allergic diseases is made, primarily, by performing a detailed history and physical examination. The confirmation of presence of specific IgE antibodies directed towards inhalant or food allergens is implicated in the history. Causative factors (allergens) can be identified by performing allergy testing (Skin Prick Testing).